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What we do


The Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust is a multi-academy trust with children at the heart of our decision making. 


A multi-academy trust (MAT) is a single entity established to undertake strategic collaboration to improve and maintain high educational standards across several schools. MATs come in many different shapes and sizes and organise themselves in a whole range of different ways. DGAT is a strong and effective MAT with a demonstrable track record of supporting schools to enhance and improve their provision for the benefit of the children they serve.


The Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust was set up in 2012 to provide a home for Church of England schools wanting or needing to become part of a MAT. Since its inception DGAT has welcomed a community school into the family and is open to expanding its provision to secondary schools. Any school that is interested in having an initial exploratory conversation about joining the family of schools is very welcome.


The Trust’s primary aim is to enable children of all faiths or no faith to have a successful education in a an inclusive, aspirational and caring ethos. Through a carefully designed, well-thought out and frequently reviewed scheme of delegation, a high level of responsibility and accountability rests with the school at local level. This is a very deliberate strategy by the Trust Board demonstrating the firm belief in the importance of maintaining the uniqueness of each school ensuring it is deeply anchored in its local community. Local governance is maintained. Decisions related to the curriculum and teaching and learning are made at local level.


Increasingly, as the Trust matures, more services are provided centrally and increasing range of the back-office functions are carried out by members of the central team. This is to maximise the time and resources available to teaching and learning and therefore to ensuring the children get the very best deal possible from the Trust.


In short, we believe that a DGAT school is a special place where the uniqueness of an individual school meets the power of collective capacity - together we are stronger as we seek to unlock the potential within our family.



© 2019 DGAT

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