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A picture of who we are


As a Trust set up by the Diocese of Gloucester Board of Education, all we do is steeped in both the National Church of England Vision for Education: Deeply Christian – Serving the Common Good and the diocesan LIFE Together vision.


Deeply Christian - Serving the Common Good is permeated by four core elements WISDOM, HOPE, COMMUNITY, DIGNITY. Our work is rooted in these elements and in all our schools these will be in evidence in our decision making, our relationships, our communications and our learning.


Together the Trust Board, central staff and our school communities are united in enabling children and staff to grow, flourish and succeed in an environment of educational excellence.

Our vision is to enable all to flourish.

Our vision is rooted in our Christian foundation and our belief that all within our family should experience life in all its fullness.


Our aims are to be

Authentically Christian

Boldly passionate about excellence in learning

Relentlessly driven in our aspiration for everyone


Our core principles

We aspire to be the best we can be in an ever-changing environment - providing opportunities for all to flourish

Within our DGAT family we cherish everyone as individuals; appreciating and celebrating diversity

We act with integrity; we are open to challenge and we are reflective about our practice

We treat everyone with dignity and respect 

Through collaboration, in a nurturing community, we grow, learn and achieve


School is Trust and Trust is School


Trust Prayer

Almighty God,

who came to share our lives through Jesus

Bless the families of the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust

grant us a passion for learning

inspiration in our teaching

and enjoyment in sharing the gifts with which you have blessed us

so that together we may come to know the fullness of life Jesus comes to bring

who is alive and reigns with you and the unity of the Holy Spirit one God now and forever.


Written by the Rt Revd Robert Springett, Bishop of Tewkesbury


© 2019 DGAT

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